A popular form of heartburn medication may increase a person’s risk of developing COVID-19, according to a new study, lengthening the already long list of risk factors for the virus. In the study, published Tuesday in pre-print form in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, scientists led by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center’s […]

Few times in American history has the “side gig” been as important as it is today. With many Americans suddenly discovering that their main gig wasn’t something they could continue to do safely in the midst of the pandemic, finding additional forms of employment is about more than a little […]

What Do Medicare Supplement Plans Cover? All 10 Medicare Supplement plans offer the following core set of benefits: 100 percent of Your Part A Coinsurance There is also an additional 365 days of coverage after your Part A benefits are exhausted. Part B Coinsurance Plan K pays 50 percent, Plan L pays […]